About Us
From the Buzzoni family's historic recipe comes Il Caviadino
Il Caviadino is an online store that offers top-quality products
with delivery directly to your home.
My business is founded on true passion and the joy of delivering tasty experiences.
From its first day Il Caviadino has won the palates of young and old alike.
From breakfast, to snack.
It was born in Italy and to this day, each cookie is individually carved, one by one,
with care, attention and lots of love.
The secret recipe of Aunt Teresa, ( great-grandparents' sister), as well as Sister Orsolina,
was immediately a hit in the mountain village where she lived..
So she continued the tradition by handing down the recipe
from generation to generation, arriving at today!
Gaia's Caviadini will land on the Swiss market in 2023.
Always in love with Switzerland, the magnificent landscapes, from the order, the discipline and the people...
I moved my life with my cookies to Switzerland to the canton of Graubünden, and then to Ticino.
Hoping to continue to give emotions with my Caviadini